Lake Ridge & Stafford

Foot & Ankle Specialists

Comprehensive Foot & Ankle Care in Lake Ridge, VA & Stafford, VA

Lake Ridge and Stafford Foot & Ankle Centers

Podiatry & Foot & Ankle Surgery located in Lake Ridge, VA & Stafford, VA


At this time, we will continue to follow CDC, WHO, federal and state guidelines and keep our office open to care for patients. Remember, proper hand washing is the best defense against the spread of COVID-19 from person to person. In the interest of social distancing, we will, however, take immediate action to reduce the amount of people in our office at a given time. To that end, we will be calling to cancel and reschedule some appointments that are not pressing or time sensitive.

For those of you with upcoming or need appointments, we will be making a few changes to reduce foot traffic through our office as much as possible while continuing to provide needed care. Please see some points below:

We are available to make tele heath appointment with any of our doctors for existing and new patients. Please call our office to schedule this.

If the patient or any member of the family has been recently ill (fever of 100.4 or greater, cough, runny nose, shortness of breath), please reschedule your appointment.

If the patient or a family member has had direct or indirect contact with someone who has traveled to one of the CDC Level 3 countries, or traveled out of state or from another state to Virginia within the past 14 days, please let us know and call to reschedule your appointment.

Except for our youngest patients and for initial consultations, we will ask that the patient is the only member of the family to come back to the treatment area, and that other family members wait in the car if possible or in the waiting room.

If in the waiting room, please try to keep 6-10 ft from other people at all times.

Again, our utmost priority is to maintain the health and safety of our patients and Lakeridge and Stafford Foot and Ankle Centers team. We are following updates from the CDC and WHO. As new information and protocols arise, we will help to inform you of any updates or changes in our schedules. If you have any questions, please contact us at 703-491-9500.


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